Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What's happening?

We are well into Term 4 already.. It has been a long time between posts - for anyone who doesn't know our teacher Mrs Soper broke her ankle when the school went to Tekapo iceskating! She had to have some time off school! The cast is off and she is back hobbling around the classroom helping us learn new things.

During Term 4 we will be focussing on 'WOOL' - the process from sheep to garment. This week we are heading out to Mrs Albrey's farm to look at her black and white sheep and to watch Mr Albrey shear a sheep. Charlotte's Mum brought in her carding machine to show us - turning the handle was quite tricky = you needed good muscles!

We will also be getting ready for our end of year concert for school - can't tell you much about that - you will have to come and watch!

Watch out for more regular posts and photos this term.....