Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mrs Soper has had no luck with putting our Kidspiration work on - she will have to keep working on it. We are going to try using Voice Thread to 'read' our WINTER poems to you on the blog. Hope we have better luck this time.
The children are going to begin adding their own comments, work and ideas. Keep a look out for this.

Children using technology

We use the computers and laptops at maths time. Sometimes Mrs Soper has set games she wants us to play but sometimes we get to do ICT games. This site has lots of cool games for us to play and we are practising our maths without knowing it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Term Two

Welcome to Term Two.

We have been a bit slow getting our class bog up and running but we will do our best to keep it up to date now.

As you can see from the slideshow above we have started the term with lots of measuring. The children showed very good skills when using the rulers and the accuracy was good - most of the time!

This term we will be focussing on 'Our Community' which includes looking at our family, class, school and Waimate. The junior school is looking at how we and our families contribute to our community.
I will try to put the Kidspiration activity about our class community on the blog - keep your fingers crossed!

This term the children will be adding bits to our blog about what is happening in our class and school - excuse any spelling mistakes.

Keep a look out for new information.